Blog Archive

25 Things Dogs Ruined

Sniffer Dogs Trained To Conserve Penguins At Sydney's North Head

Woman Afraid Of Kittens On 'My Extreme Animal Phobia'

Dog Rescued In Iraq Returns To Fallen Soldier's Family, Beam Of Light Shines Down

California Joggers, Attacked By Pit Bulls; Dogs Later Killed

That's one gutsy guard dog! Canines chase starving polar bear away from Siberian weather station

Man dumps cat in bin, caught on CCTV camera

Long arm of law tries to stop Tinkerbell roaming

'Best dog' ruins bride Marlene Koenig's wedding

The Next Best Thing to Herding Cats

Dog trained to fetch groceries

Cat Using Toilet

25 Things Dogs Ruined

That's not what I ordered...

Patrolling Greenland by dog sledge

Family dog stolen five years ago returns on the 37 bus

Cats vs. iPads: The Ultimate Showdown

New Marlins Manager Ozzie Guillen Kissed a Dog On ESPN Magazine Cover

Funny Felines In Musical Cat Calendar: Cat Got Your Drum?

Lab Beagles Released In Spain, 40 Dogs See Sunlight For First Time

Christmas Trees Delivered By Newfoundland Dogs Recruited By Forestry Commission In Dalby Forest

Kitten In Pipe Rescued By Police And Firefighters In El Cajon, California

I Own You

10 Incredible Tales of Interspecies Nursing

'This is awkward' - young buck takes a shine to blonde teenager

The owl who flew 2,000 miles - but finally arrived by helicopter

Ravens Use 'Hand' Gestures to Communicate

Adulterous Male Birds Don't Put Eggs in One Basket

Breeding hopes for Barbary lions at Port Lympne

Animals Talking in all Caps

Breathtaking photographs of deadly snakes

Kung Fu Gecko

Pictures: "Gorgeous" Dinosaur Nest Found Full of Babies

Ten Weirdest Life-forms of 2011

Aeroacoustics of Flight: 'Singing' Hummingbird Tails

Giant pandas to be FedEx-ed from China to Britain

Germaine Greer: Rats don't deserve so much hostility

Pig born without back legs learns to walk upright on his front legs in China

Lions playing in the Masai Mara, Kenya, photographed by Paul Souders

Top 10 winter birds in pictures

British cuckoos take their winter break – in the congo

10 Beasts Locked in Brutal Combat

10 Incredible Tales of Interspecies Nursing

Study Values Polar Bears at $420,000 Apiece

First Wolves Tagged for GPS Tracking in Turkey

The Color of Danger in Nature: Photos

Horse Slaughter Ban Lifted: Congress Reinstates Federal Funding

Zebras Escape From Petting Zoo And Roam Town

Ringling Brothers Agree To USDA Fine For Allegedly Violating Animal Welfare Act

OR-7, Wandering Wolf, Inspires Hope And Dread

Animal Photos Of The Week

Fruit Bat Orphans Bottle-Fed At Hospital In Australia

Name This Octopus

Get Your Teeth Into the Truth About Shark Attacks

Australia announces plans for world's biggest marine park

Bottlenose dolphins' maximum speed halved by pregnancy

EU sounds alarm for threatened freshwater species

St Andrews scientists ask if whales have 'dialects'

Some Seal Moms Take Flippers-Off Approach

Turtles 'communicate with each other before hatching'

Invasive? Bloody Red Shrimp Are Supper for Great Lakes Fish

Name This Octopus

The Shark: A Predator Turned Prey?

Jellyfish Lake In Palau Swarms With Complex Historical Wonders

Male Fiddler Crabs Wave Their Big Claw To Get Attention From Females

Invasive Ants Wave White Flag in New Zealand

Record Number of Monarch Butterflies Hit California

Warm weather brings wasp alert

New Butterfly Species ID'ed by DNA

Invasive Ants Wave White Flag in New Zealand

Liquid living worms survive space

Bees help in the battle against tuberculosis

Big, hairy spiders invade San Antonio neighborhood

15 Insects that Could Save Your Life

A Quick Guide to Starting a Beehive (via)

Worms Can Evolve to Survive Intersex Populations

Chimpanzees Self-Medicate With Food

Monkey Buffet Festival 2011 In Thailand Offers Treats To Local Animals

Chimpanzees Self-Medicate With Food

Fresh wave of killings by hunters takes Indonesian orangutan to the brink of extinction

Guereza colobus monkeys join dawn chorus to 'show off'

Angelique Todd, the gorillas' friend

top inovation design


I know I mention Pinterest a lot, but it's seriously so fun and I find it really inspiring. Plus, I find tons of great ideas and recipes on there.

When I saw this on Pinterest, I knew I had to try to re-create it asap.
HandM Plaid Top
Mossimo Skinny Slacks
Camel Sweater- not sure, I've had it since college

I love Chloe Moretz (see her Celeb Inspiration post) and this dress really stuck out to me. My outfit isn't nearly as great as Chloe's, it's just inspired by her.
F21 Plaid Top
Target Pencil Skirt and Belt

Stealth Duck

Stealth Duck

A bouncing baby... elephant

Bouncy baby goat

The Lion That Plays Football

Penguin Bubble Fun!

Koala eating an apple

Baby Ducks at the Fair

Goats on Trampoline Battle

Deucie the baby baboon

Einstein: The Smallest Stallion Has A Ball

Joey the Otter Playing in waterfall

Panda Pees On Sleeping Pal's Face

Flamboyant Cuttlefish

Octopus Walks on Land at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

"Teddy Bear," the porcupine, doesn't like to share...