Replication and More Replication at 2010 MySQL Conference

Database replication is still interesting after all these years.  Two of my talks focused on replication technology were accepted for the upcoming MySQL 2010 Conference.  Here are the summaries.
The first talk is a solo presentation covering Tungsten, which creates highly available and scalable database clusters using vanilla MySQL databases linked by flexible replication.  I'll describe how it works and some cool things you can do like zero-downtime upgrades and session-based performance scaling.   If you want to know how Tungsten can help you, this is a good time to find out.

The second talk is a joint effort with Jay Pipes covering issues like big data that are driving replication technology and the solutions to these problems available to MySQL users.  We'll lay out our vision of where things are going to try to help you pick the right technology for your next project.   Jay and I are also soliciting input on this talk from the Drizzle community among others.  If you are interested check out the thread on drizzle-discuss or post to this blog.

Finally, I'll be around for much of the MySQL conference, so if you are interested in Tungsten or data replication in general or just want to hang out, please look me up.   See you in Santa Clara!