Apple Must Offer iPhone 4 Customers Worthy Solution for Antenna Problem

Consumer Reports, the leading authority on independent testing & recommendations, has spoken:

Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4

Lab test: Apple iPhone 4 design defect confirmed

It's official. Consumer Reports' engineers have just completed testing the iPhone 4, and have confirmed that there is a problem with its reception. When your finger or hand touches a spot on the phone's lower left side—an easy thing, especially for lefties—the signal can significantly degrade enough to cause you to lose your connection altogether if you're in an area with a weak signal. Due to this problem, we can't recommend the iPhone 4.

Apple & Steve Jobs : This is a wakeup call!! Either you ignore the problem, provide a temporary solution or create a real solution that befits the most innovative company and your reputation!

In the absence of a real solution offered by Apple, should customers accept the temporary duct tape solution offered by Consumer Reports:
We did, however, find an affordable solution for suffering iPhone 4 users: Cover the antenna gap with a piece of duct tape or another thick, non-conductive material. It may not be pretty, but it works. We also expect that using a case would remedy the problem. We'll test a few cases this week and report back.

Come on Apple! It's about time you offer a meaningful solution that customers would appreciate... and have come to know Apple for! Apple iPhone 4 has amazing design innovations, and is possibly the best smartphone in the marketplace today... Why not cement your position for good, and offer something that customers will respect Apple for?

Apple Must Offer iPhone 4 Customers A Worthy Solution for Antenna Problem! NOW!!

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Consumer Reports
Letter from Apple Regarding iPhone 4