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Orient Watch Giveaway Winner

Orient Watch Giveaway Winner!

OrientwatchI know it’s taken me too long to decide who the winner of this contest is, and I have finally chosen the winner! I regret not being able to select more than one winner, so it was extremely difficult, but here goes.

The winner of this giveaway is Michelle! I enjoyed her response and really felt that she understands the importance of time:

I am going to be a senior in college majoring in Professional Communications, so time is very important to me. Along with being a full time student, I work in retail and as a basketball referee. On top of it all a girl’s got to find time to spend with her friends and family! Time is precious and it is crucial that make time for all of the important people in my life while balancing school and work!

Congratulations Michelle, and I will be sending you an email soon!

I loved loved loved all the responses and again, I wish I could give everyone a watch, but I just can’t. I appreciate everyone’s participation and hopefully I’ll see you again at another Fashion Addict giveaway!

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