Whereas the PC World top 100 list is interesting and subjective, here are my picks of the Top Three Technology Innovations of 2010. I have picked my best three innovations in 2010 based on the following three criteria:
a. Commercial Success - number of units shipped, new revenue generated and market share gains
b. Ease of Use - how easy, simple, and intuitive the product is to use, reuse, and enjoy
c. X Factor - how sexy is the product, fan following, viral appeal, user ratings, and customer loyalty
Here are my Top Three Technology Innovations of 2010:
#1. Apple iPad - The wildly successful Apple iPad re-created the Tablet PC marketplace single-handedly, and started a whole suite of Tablet competitors from Samsung, HP, Dell and more... Apple iPad is elegant, sexy, engaging, interactive, extremely easy to use, and has endless applications. The other day, my wife's neice's 8 month old baby boy was enjoying Baby Piano, Sound Touch and Virtuoso on my iPad... And he was loving every moment of it and laughing his heart put. My daughter loves the drawing app and various games, and since my son bought the Need for Speed game over this holidays, I am addicted to it. Apple sold over 7 million iPads within the first six months of launch, and will likely sell at least 5 million iPads in the holiday quarter. Suddenly, Apple iPad will generate over $7 Billion in new revenue for Apple in 2010. The Apple iPad phenomenon could generate over $21 billion in revenue in 2011 for Apple. iPad anyone?
#2. Amazon Kindle 3rd Edition - Amazon's third Kindle is on the money. The form factor, ease of reading, looks, and the huge selection of eBooks. A must have reader if you love reading (and who doesn't). Amazon Kindle started the eBook reader revolution, and its competitors including Sony and Barnes & Noble aren't doing that bad either. Yesterday, while waiting in line at the DMV, this woman in front of me was quietly reading her novel on the ultra cool white Kindle, and she was really enjoying reading it. I also peeked and read a few pages while she was reading, and the display was immaculate. With estimates of about 8 million Kindles sold in 2010, Amazon has quietly created a Billion Dollar franchise! Amazon just announced the latest innovation of sharing Kindle eBooks with a friend or relative for 14 days. Very Cool! What's amazing is that Amazon Kindle sales have been least impacted by the Apple iPad onslaught. A difference of over $350 in price between the base iPad and the Kindle would mean a clear sailing for Amazon in 2011 and beyond.
#3. Microsoft Kinect - Microsoft has created something new and exciting that no other game console maker has been able to do yet. Nintendo Wii created a huge following with the wireless controllers which you can wave, move and play. Microsoft one-upped Nintendo, Sony and others by removing the controllers altogether. Rather, you become the controller. No wires, no joysticks, no mouse, no controllers, no gadgets. Simply plugin the Kinect to the Xbox 360, and play your games by moving around, jumping, jabbing, running, kicking, smashing, speaking, singing, and more. Kinect uses advanced entertainment technology to respond to even the sound of your voice. You can just say “Xbox” to start, and even control HD movies with the sound of your voice. Can Kinect replace the remote? Microsoft has changed the playing field entirely for video games, and with more games arriving that will implement the Kinect technology, Microsoft is onto something huge in 2011. There are estimates of over 5 million Kinects sold in 2010 ( Kinect was only introduced recently ), and Kinect technology has likely pushed the sales of Xbox 360 to new levels in this holiday season.
Apple iPad is the #1 innovation of 2010!
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