Tungsten Replicator Overview Webinar

On Thursday January 27th at 10am PST I will doing a webinar on Tungsten Replicator together with my colleague Giuseppe Maxia.  The title is "What MySQL Replication Cannot Do.  And How to Get Around It."  Basically it is a nuts and bolts description of Tungsten Replicator capabilities like multi-master replication, failover, parallel apply, and using replication for zero-downtime upgrade.  If you have ever wanted an in-depth look at the Tungsten Replicator this is a good opportunity. 

During 2010 we implemented an amazing number of new replication features ranging from pipelines early in the year to fast disk logs, multiple replication services per process, bi-directional replication, and parallel apply by the end.  We will be building out all of these in the coming year and releasing increasingly capable features into open source as well. 

This presentation is part of Continuent's regular webinar series which means we will also talk a bit about commercial products and services at the end.  However, it's mostly cool replication stuff.   You can sign up on the Continuent webinar page.  Hope to see you there.