World Innovation Luncheon and Reception Recap

On Tuesday, June 7th, a crowd of over 200 senior level executives representing companies headquartered in 14 countries supporting 10 business sectors and 59 industries came together for a special event hosted by The Global Leaders and sponsored by AVG, HSM, MM Dillon, Microsoft and Verde Energy USA.

The companies represented in the room generate over 25% of the global GDP or $873 billon in total revenues.  It was quite the impressive crowd, but what was even more impressive was the conversations that individuals were engaged in.  One-on-one, in small groups and through formal presentations, people were sharing best practices across industries and from the not-for-profit and for profit businesses. 

Presenters and key participants included:  Ernie Allen, CEO & President of both the National and International Centres for Missing and Exploited Children, Bill Harmon from Microsoft, Siobhan MacDermott for AVG, Heather Potters of Pharmajet, Dr. Gopal Chopra of pingMD and a sixteen year old whiz kid, Zack Weiner, who has developed a special app for helping find missing children.

It was one of our most successful events to date and a preview of a much larger, grander event that is scheduled for October 5th at the Yale Club.  Speaker details for the October event, which is in conjunction with The World Business Forum, is still under wraps, but according to George Bickerstaff, The Global Leaders it will be an evening that no one will want to miss.  Be sure to reserve your ticket now and if you are interested in attending this year’s World Business Forum which will feature Jack Welch and Bill Clinton, The Global Leaders has a special discounted package which includes premium reserved seating, 2-day admission to the forum plus the evening reception at The Yale Club.  Sponsorship packages are also available, for more information about putting your company in front of some of today’s top leaders; contact Chensun Mills at